Visit to Nairobi National Park

Established in 1946, Nairobi national park was Kenya's first. It is located approximately 7 kilometres (4 mi) south of the centre of Nairobi, Kenya's capital city, with an electric fence separating the park's wildlife from the metropolis. Nairobi's skyscrapers can be seen from the park. The proximity of urban and natural environments has caused conflicts between the animals and local people and threatens animals' migration routes

Conveniently situated almost on the doorstep of the capital close to the airport the Nairobi national park is ideal for making acquaintance with Kenya and good preparation for a safari. Smaller and more compact than game sanctuaries further afield the beautiful well kept Nairobi national par contains a satisfying number of Africa’s best known animals- gazelle, zebra, giraffe and buffalo, lion, leopard, and cheetah that may prove to be camera friendly than those in the bush.

The park is one of the best places in Kenya to spot rhinos in the southeast of the park you can walk through an acacia forest to try to spot hippopotamus and crocodiles sunning themselves on Athi river. Nairobi National Park Kenya's first ever National park is a unique and unspoilt wildlife haven within sight of the city's skyline.