Africa Our Home, Our Passion

Grande Five Adventures offers you a wholesome and distinct insight into the wonders of Africa’s amazing diverse landscape, wildlife, history and cultural heritage. A vacation tailor made by Grande Five Adventures is not just another cliché’ safari vacation on offer

Our diverse family crafts your expeditions with a team that is born-bred in Africa who love the continent and care to deliver the finest tour experiences that will leave you truly mesmerized. Your African dream holiday deserves all the careful planning you would put into any major lifetime investment. We aim to change your entire holistic outlook and provide enlightening memories that will remain with you for years by bringing you back to the Cradle of Mankind- where it all began.

Working with you one-on-one, you will not find a more dedicated and passionate Africa tour operator company more capable of taking charge of your African safari and travel arrangements within your preferred budget range. We take all the stress and leave you free to relish the anticipation of an unparalleled opportunity to embrace a totally new inimitable experience. No matter how often you take a journey with Grande Five Adventures, it will always be a new adventure.

Our Vision

Creating lasting memories

Our Mission

Provide a unique travel experience for everybody in a sustainable, honest and transparent way.

Our Staff

Grande Five Adventures staff have in-depth knowledge of all the tour destinations, and their love for Africa is next to none, outmost attention to detail will ensure that nothing is missed, and are friendly nature will make you feel home away from your home. Our dedicated and cohesive team of locals and internationals has strong foreign-language capabilities and the experience to be sensitive to cultural differences. These qualities enable us to meet the challenges of a changing industry. Regular staff meetings, site inspections, product presentations, and workshops serve to keep our staff’s product knowledge up to date. The payoff of our investing in our staff can be seen in the pride they take in their work and the dedication they show. We believe that by investing in our staff, we are investing in the quality of the service we provide to our clients and the future growth of our company.